Friday, September 26, 2014

Chapter Four - (3)

Sitting on the soft green grass beside the bank, we ate our lunch of dumplings that Suet-foong had packed for the journey. Then, feeling a compelling desire to revive her deadened feet, she took off her boots and paddled them in the cool greenish-hued water. Looking cheerful, she shut her eyes while listening to the therapeutic sound of the rushing stream. As for me, I went to a huge willow-tree nearby and sat down with my back to its trunk. The yellow and green leaves were fluttering against the bright sky, dazzling me. Soon I found myself yawning like a cavern; sleep came instantly after that.

Forty-five minutes later, I woke up. Upon noticing Suet-foong was not at the place where I left her, I sprang to my feet and rushed to the bank; I thought she had tumbled into the stream while dozing off! To my relief, I found her sitting on top of a big rock not far from my right. She was drawing something on her sketch block. I nipped over to her side and saw that she had just completed depicting a picture of the forest and its surroundings that stood before us. It was a beautiful piece but then again in my eyes, all of her artwork always gave great aesthetic pleasure.

"Hello, Rip van Winkle," she said, glancing at me, "so you are finally awaken."

"Sorry to keep you waiting," I replied, scratching my head. "I can't understand it ... this sudden drowsiness of mine. It had never happened before. Perhaps the sun and cool air cast a spell on me to fall fast asleep."

"No problem. I used the time to explore this place. Its charm and beauty have given me the inspiration to come up with this sketch." She came down from the rock and passed me the drawing to have a look. "Do you like it?"

"Yes, the picture is lovely," I said, smiling, "just like you."

"Of course, I am mighty well painted too."

"You know, you are rather vain."

"Hey, don't act surprised. I learned it from you."

Aw ... shucks.

There was a moss-veiled path about thirty paces from us that led to the floor of the teak-brown forest, and Suet-foong suggested we took a closer look at it before we moved on. I agreed; it appeared inviting. As soon as we entered inside, we saw that the time-chiseled trees with their rustling foliage were skyscrapers high. The grass was crispy beneath our feet. Berries lay ripening under the leafy dome of the forest. Rabbits were scuttling away from us up ahead. I felt like we were in a woody heaven.

Suddenly,Suet-foong let out a bloodcurdling scream.

To be continued ...

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