Chapter Eight - Plan B begins (3)

"I'll tell you all about it when we see each other later at the house," I replied, sounding very business-like. "Now you'd better get back to the hall. I believe the organizers are looking high and low for you." Before she could have a chance to ask further, I hooked back the telephone receiver and walked away, leaving her dumbfounded.
In truth I knew nothing of Plan B. It was something I made up on the spur of the moment when I saw the bimbo. Her unexpected appearance was a blessing in disguise; it gave me the perfect excuse to finally dismiss Suet-foong from my perilous mission without offending her. Right away, I felt the albatross around my neck loosening. What a relief! I could do my own thing with total freedom and a peace of mind now. I smiled coyly - my maneuver was a masterstroke, if I may say so myself.
After checking out of the hotel, I mounted Flash and slowly rode past its front entrance that had a short flight of steps leading down to the main road. The mayor's limousine was parked directly below the stairway. I halted and surveyed the surroundings: his driver and a few soldiers were loitering around the car; there was a park with a small man-made lake a short distance away; and traffic was light. In an instant I realized, much to my delight, that there was a Plan B after all. Without wasting another moment, I went to a nearby toy shop and bought an opera mask. With the dark gray clouds hanging over me, I then galloped to the empty park, picking a spot behind a big tree to conceal our presence. On the other hand, I had a clear view of the hotel from here. Feeling mighty pleased, I leaped from my horse, and after removing my uncomfortable disguise, I wore the mask - it was an image of the Monkey King - before nipping over to the lakeside. This marvelous stretch of calm water made a stunning mirror in which my masked face was reflected - God, I looked ridiculous! But I had to wear it if I did not wish the soldiers or anyone else to recognize me. So with a sigh, I squatted and got myself ready for the kill.
As expected, the sky pissed down rain on the city a few minutes later. Although I was soaked to the bone, a smile danced on my face. This was what I wanted: the low visibility resulting from the downpour created a good camouflage for me. Suet-foong was right; grave misfortunes were befalling on the mayor, not me.
Finally, the moment of truth arrived. The mayor emerged from the hotel lobby and headed toward his car surrounded by a group of soldiers holding umbrellas. They were too busy shielding him and his busty companion from the rain to take notice of me charging toward them on my trusty steed with astonishing speed, the fierce beat of the galloping hoofs drowned by the heavy shower. Flash was super-fast, hence his name. When the soldiers realized that their boss was in danger, it was too late. I squeezed the trigger, hitting the bull's eye with just one bullet - not for nothing am I a dead shot with a gun, you dig? At that very moment, a thunderbolt shot across the sky, turning it into an ocean of flames; it was a proclamation from Jupiter, the God of Thunder, that Mayor Tan Chin was on his way to meet his maker. Justice had been served - my sifu and Keng could now rest in peace.
By the time the shocked soldiers returned fire, I was long gone, safe and sound. Yup, when you know what you are doing, it is a piece of cake. No problem. So why did I have the feeling of impending doom? Then it struck me that I would be pulverized by Suet-foong for not including her in my Plan B. It figures.
To be continued ...
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