Thursday, May 21, 2015

I am a liquidator ...

I am a liquidator. I have been liquidating people ever since I knew how to hold a gun. It does not matter who my victims are - politicians, underworld big-shots, tycoons - as long as my asking price is met, I send them a one-way ticket to hell, no question asked. But I do not kill children; it is my religion. My clients call me "Mr. Clean", a satirical nickname actually - I am never a morally pure guy, not even by a long shot. Rather, I always do a clean kill: a direct shot to the victim's brain; no suffering and no mess to the other part of his body.

- excerpt from Snow Phoenix and Me

Monday, May 18, 2015 selling The Resurrection at $0.99!

From 19 May 2015 to 26 May 2015, has a Kindle Countdown Deal for my latest book The Resurrection, a fantasy thriller! It is selling from $0.99 only!

It got women, it got erotic moments, it got adventure, and it got more erotic moments ... 

Goodness me, what more you want?????

Friday, May 8, 2015

Snow Phoenix and Me at $0.99 only!!!

Yup, that's correct! Your eyes did not deceive you! Snow Phoenix and Me is going for $0.99 in Kindle Countdown Deal. It's available at until 14 May 2015!

Voted Most Beloved Story by Avon Romance, this novel is the perfect tonic for those who are in fall, were in love, or hope to be in love!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Kindle Countdown Deals!

Hello People! You may be interested to know that my books are on Kindle Countdown Deal this month!

First, will be selling my romance novel Snow Phoenix and Me from $0.99, beginning from 07 May 2015 (that's tomorrow!) and ending on 14 May 2015.

Then, from 19 May 2015 to 26 May 2015, my latest fantasy thriller book The Resurrection will be from $0.99 too, in


Remember the dates, and get a copy before the Deal expires! And if you love my books, please recommend them to your friends, won't you? Much obliged!

Friday, May 1, 2015

Come Travel With Me - Switzerland

The author in Lucern town, Switzerland

Apart from writing, I love travelling. And Switzerland heads my "top 10 countries to visit before I die" list. From its lush river valleys, rolling green hills, and its  glacial alpine passes, this beautiful country is truly a natural treasure.

On the morning of 21 November, 2013, our small group of 16 left KLIA. My heart was pounding with excitement - wow, I mean my childhood's dream of visiting Switzerland was finally realized! So what if I endured a tedious 15-hour journey? And so what if the airplane food was bleech? Everything would be forgiven and forgotten when we touched down at Frankfurt, our first stop in our 10-day tour.    

We only entered Switzerland on the 4th day of our tour via one of its most picturesque areas, the Engadine Valley. This is where St. Moritz, Switzerland's original winter wonderland and the holiday resort for the rich and famous, is located.

However, we didn't visit the town's leading attractions - the Leaning Tower or the Heidi hut. Instead we spent a couple of memorable hours at the lakeside treating our eyes to the breath-taking sight of the pristine blue lakes and the endless rows of white mountains.

St. Moritz - Switzerland's original winter wonderland

There, I had a great time challenging my tour friends to a snowball competition (I lost), and tramping through the piles of snow that looked like the white waves of a white sea, playfully falling on my back and giggling myself silly as I did. I just love the snow and the crisp icy air. The people staying there may be thinking we are nuts playing in the freezing cold, the same thought we have of them when they bake themselves under the hot sun on our beaches! 

To be continued ...